In 2026, we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Youth Hostel Movement in Poland. Poland is one of the founding members of the International Youth Hostel Federation.

About Us

Polish Youth Hostel Association (known as PTSM) is a non-profit organization continuing the traditions of the Association of Polish Youth Shelters established in 1926. PTSM is also a founding member of the International Youth Hostel Federation established in 1932. Federation (now known as Hostelling International) brings together national organizations from all over the world.

The main subject of PTSM’s statutory activity is an implementation of an idea of ​​the youth shelter movement that was created over 100 years ago. The implementation is done through dissemination of attractively priced accommodation facilities in youth hostels and school youth hostels. These shelters not only fulfill their basic function as an accommodation facility, but in majority of cases are also educational institutions. Thanks to this, it is treated as a means of representing knowledge about the country and local studies, education and upbringing.

carries out its statutory tasks through a network of field cells (Branches), which deal with – among others – organizing tourism for its members. An important link of the organization are also the smallest organizational units – PTSM Clubs. They function most often in education institutions, as PTSM carries out its statutory tasks already at the primary school level.

PTSM is first of all a large group of members, tourism and active leisure time lovers. PTSM gives its members the opportunity of using on preferential terms the accommodation base in youth hostels and in school youth hostels in Poland. It is ensured by a national PTSM membership card. At the same time being a member of Hostelling International, PTSM gives an opportunity of using the discounts on accommodation in hundreds of youth hostels located all over the world. It is possible thanks to an international membership card issued by PTSM.