Membership card and its benefits

PTSM membership card is both a document attesting the membership in our Society and a discount card. It is available to all tourists looking for cheaper accommodation in youth hostels. There are two versions of the card: national and international.

National PTSM membership card (cardboard with yearly stamp) entitles to a discount (up to 25%) for accommodation in youth hostels collaborating with PTSM in Poland.

Since 10th of July 2023, an updated version of the national PTSM membership card has been introduced. Previously used forms, as well as membership cards already issued on previously used forms remain valid until they run out.

International PTSM membership card (plastic) entitles to a discount (up to 25%) for accommodation in youth hostels collaborating with PTSM in Poland, as well as discounts for accommodation in foreign youth hostels belonging to local organisations as part of Hostelling International network.

Fees related to PTSM membership card

Membership fees related to the PTSM membership card consist of two elements: entry fee and yearly contribution. A stamp glued to the membership card confirms the yearly contribution. National PTSM membership card is valid in a year visible on the stamp.

The amount of fees applicable in 2024 for the national PTSM membership card is presented in the table below.

Type of membership card Code Membership fees
Entry fee Yearly contribution Total (entry fee + yearly contribution)
JUNIOR (school children and younger) LKJ 10 PLN 9 PLN 19 PLN
JUNIOR (students up to 26 years old) LKA 16 PLN 14 PLN 30 PLN
SENIOR (teachers) LKN 14 PLN 12 PLN 26 PLN
SENIOR (people working older than 18 years old) LKS 20 PLN 20 PLN 40 PLN

*) Entry fees do not include the shipping cost of the membership card

International PTSM membership card

Membership fees related to the PTSM membership card consist of one payment including issuing the membership card valid one year from the issuing.

The amount of fees applicable in 2024 for the international PTSM membership card is presented in the table below.

Type of membership card Code Payment
JUNIOR (youth up to 26 years old – learning) LMU 30 PLN
JUNIOR (youth up to 26 years old – not learning) LMP 55 PLN

*) Entry fees do not include the shipping cost of the membership card

How to obtain the PTSM membership card?

The PTSM membership card can be obtained, alongside yearly payment, in two ways: personally or manually.

It can be done personally in following places:
* ZG PTSM office in Warsaw on Mokotowska 14 in room 709 (7th floor). It is open from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.
* PTSM branches – list available on:
* Chosen youth hostels. In order to make sure that the hostel conducts the sales, you should beforehand contact the hostel directly.
Attention! Payments in the ZG PTSM office and PTSM branches are only accepted in cash.

Manually, by mail or e-mail, following steps described below:
1) Download the membership declaration form. DECLARATION FORM
2) Print the declaration, complete required boxes and sign in.
3) Scan completed declaration.
4) Choose shipment option and send the suitable payment for PTSM main board (Zarzad Glowny) address (account number 46 1240 6218 1111 0000 4622 5247). The costs of shipment are: 5 PLN for an unregistered letter and 9 PLN for a registered letter. Fill in the transfers title: „Oplaty czlonkowskie /Membership payment/, (name and surname from the declaration), (code from the table)(shipping cost)”. Number 5 or 9 added to the code determines the type of shipment. For example: „Oplaty czlonkowskie, Jan Kowalski, LKN5” – send by an unregistered letter, or „Oplaty czlonkowskie, Anna Kowalska, LMU9” – send by a registered letter.
5) Send the suitable payment (transfer it to PTSM main board (Zarzad Głowny) account number 46 1240 6218 1111 0000 4622 5247). Fill in the transfer’s title: „Oplaty czlonkowskie /Membership payment/, (name and surname from the declaration), (code from the table)”. For example: „Oplaty czlonkowskie, Jan Kowalski, LKN”.
6) Print the transfer confirmation.
7) Membership declaration and transfer confirmation send to:
– for an e-mail address:
– registered letter to: Biuro ZG PTSM, 00-561 Warszawa, ul. Mokotowska 14
8) After receiving the transfer and completed declaration, membership card and stamp will be sent for an address written in the declaration.

Extending the validity of the membership card

National PTSM membership card

National membership card’s validity is defined by the date on the stamp. Validity can be extended by buying stamps in following years. Stamps can be bought personally in places that obtain membership cards (ZG PTSM office, PTSM branches and chosen youth hostels). It can also be done by following previously described procedure, with stamps’ codes being as follows:

Stamp’s type Code Yearly contribution
JUNIOR (school children and younger) ZJ 9 PLN
JUNIOR (students up to 26 years old) ZA 14 PLN
SENIOR (teachers) ZN 12 PLN
SENIOR (people working older than 18 years old) ZS 20 PLN

*) Entry fees do not include the shipping cost of the stamp
The procedure of ordering and paying for yearly contributions remains the same as with ordering the membership card described above.

In the transfer title write down: „Oplaty czlonkowskie, (name and surname from the declaration), (code from the table)”. For example: „Oplaty czlonkowskie, Jan Kowalski, ZJ”.

International PTSM membership card

International membership card is valid for a year from the date of issuing and cannot be extended. In order to have a discount in following years, you need to issue a new membership card following the procedure described above.

Information To download
PTSM Membership Card Declaration Form